- 소속
- 기독교학부
- 연락처
- 02-520-0774
- 이메일
- smlyu@bu.ac.kr
- 전공
- 구약신학 전공지도교수
- 연구실
- 02-520-0774
지혜문학 세미나
구약 I (모세오경)
구약 II (역사와 예언)
구약 III (시편과 지혜문학)
구약의 중심주제
학력사항서울대학교 천문학과 이학사 (천체물리학)
Liberty University, M.Div (목회학석사)
Westminster Theological Seminary, Th.M (구약학) 과정수료
University of Wisconsin-Madison, MA & Ph.D. (히브리학)
경력사항Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (Deerfield, Illinois, USA), 구약학전임강사 (2000-2003)
앤아버한인장로교회 (Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA), 담임목사 (2008-2014)
시카고한인교회 (PCA) 전임부목사, EM Pastor, Education Director (2001-2008)
『유목사의 시편묵상』 (서울: 대서, 2019)
『잠언의 의 개념 연구』 (서울: 새물결플러스, 2017)
『유목사의 성경이야기』 (서울: 대서, 2016)
Righteousness in the Book of Proverbs. FAT II/51 (Tubingen, Germany: Mohr Siebeck), 2012.
Righteousness in the Book of Proverbs. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2006 (advisor, Michael V. Fox; UMI dissertation #3222965).
"신화적 맥락을 살린 구약성경 번역 모색: 잠언에 나타난 죽음 관련 용어의 번역 예시" <한국기독교신학논총> 111(2019) (출간예정)
"고대 이집트와 이스라엘 제의에서 향(incense)이 갖는 상징적 의미." <구약논단> 70(2018): 180-203.
“아굴 어록(잠언 30:1-9)의 신학적 의미와 지혜문학 이해를 위한 기여," Canon & Culture 12/1 (2018), 33-57.
“지혜자의 자기성찰—잠언 30장 숫자잠언의 수사학,” Canon & Culture 11/1 (2017), 89-111.
“동성애 관련 구약본문의 핵심논점,” 「개혁논총」 43 (2017), 9-35.
“잠언은 잠언답게: 잠언설교를 위한 제언,” 「구약논집」 11 (2016), 9-33.
“잠언에 나타난 의인의 모습,” Canon & Culture 10/1 (2016), 173-203.
"Conversion,” “Evil,” “Flesh,” “Guilt,” “Hagiographa,” “Hebrew,” “Intelligent Design,” “Mediator,” “Peace,” “Soul,” in: Baker Illustrated Bible Dictionary. Tremper Longman III, ed. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2013.
"The Final Poem of Qohelet (Ecclesiastes 12:1-7),” Scripture and Interpretation 5/2 (2011): 107-117.
"구약의 신학적 해석 (케빈 밴후저 저, 조승희 역/ 서울: 기독교문서선교회, 2011)" 백석신학저널 26 (2014): 217-228.
Review of Like Grapes of Gold Set in Silver: An Interpretation of Proverbial Clusters in Proverbs 10:1-22:16 by Knut Martin Heim in Trinity Journal 26/2 (2005): 325-27.
[국내외 학회발표논문]
"신화적 맥락을 살린 구약성경 번역 모색—잠언에 나타난 죽음 관련 용어의 번역 예시." 한국구약학회 107차 춘계학술대회 (2018.4.27.)
"지혜자의 자기성찰—잠언 30장 숫자잠언의 수사학." 한국구약학회 101차 춘계학술대회 (2016.4.29.)
"잠언은 잠언답게—잠언 설교를 위한 제언." 한국복음주의구약신학회 27차 학술대회 (2015.8.20.)
"의인의 길은 밝다--의에 목마른 시대를 향한 잠언의 메세지." 한국신학정보연구원 세미나 110회 (2014.5.22)
2018 SBL International Meeting (Helsinki, Finland). "Use of Desire and Aversion in the Moral Discourse in the Book of Proverbs and Its Effect on Character Formation."
2018 SBL Annual Meeting (Denver, CO). "Virtuoso of Life – Notions of Ideal Person in Analects vis-à-vis Proverbs."
2017 SBL Annual Meeting (Boston, MA). "Wisdom as Charisma and Enlightenment – an Innovative Notion of Wisdom Found in 4Q 436 (Bareki Nafshi C)."
2016 SBL Annual Meeting (San Antonio, TX). "Characterization of Ideal Person in Egyptian and Israelite Didactic Texts, "
2015 SBL Annual Meeting (Atlanta, GA). "Sapiential Self-Reservation: Rhetoric of the Numerical Sayings in Proverbs 30,"
2012 SBL Annual Meeting: From catastrophe to carpe diem – Qohelet’s eschatology and his final poem.
2011 SBL Annual Meeting: A theology of modesty in the words of Agur (Prov 30:1-9)
2010 SBL Annual Meeting: The pedagogic importance of emotional appeals for character formation in the book of Proverbs.
2010 ETS Annual Meeting Invited Paper: “I walk in the way of righteousness”—Righteousness in the Book of Proverbs.
2009 SBL Annual Meeting: Qohelet the Realist Exhorts the Young (Qoh 11:9-10).
2009 ETS Annual Meeting: The Notion of Eventuality as a Category of Faith in Proverbs.
2008 SBL Annual Meeting: Divine Justice and Eventuality—Categories of Faith in Israelite Wisdom Literature.
2007 SBL Annual Meeting: The Rhetoric of Desire and Choice in the book of Proverbs.
2006 SBL Annual Meeting: Depictions of the (Anti-) Ideal Person in the book of Proverbs and the Egyptian Wisdom Literature.
2005 SBL Annual Meeting: The Righteous Petitioner in the Psalter.
2003 SBL Annual Meeting: Choosing Depth and Permanence: Evaluative Discourse in the book of Proverbs.
2003 AOS/SBL Midwest Regional Meeting: The Concept of Eventuality in the Moral Discourse of Proverbs.
2001 SBL Annual Meeting: Righteousness as Happiness: The Moral Vision of Proverbs.
2000 AAR/SBL Annual Meeting: Internalization and Codification: Two Paradigms of Sapiential Pursuit of Righteousness.
1999 AAR/SBL Annual Meeting: Portrayal of the Righteous in the Book of Proverbs.
1999 AOS/SBL Midwest Regional Meeting: Portrayal of the Righteous in the Book of Proverbs.
1998 AAR/SBL Annual Meeting: Incense in Ancient Israelite Worship.
1997 AOS/SBL Midwest Regional Meeting: Reflection of Northern Hebrew Vocables in the LXX Psalter.
우가릿신화의 세계 (마이클 쿠건 저, 은성사), 성서신학 (브레바드 차일즈 저, 은성), 구약개론 (앤드류 힐 & 쟌 월튼 저, 은성사), 현대인에게도 하나님이 필요한가? (해롤드 쿠쉬너 저, 홍성사), 예수에 관한 12가지 질문 (마이클 그린 저, 홍성사) 외 다수.