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고려대학교 의과대학 의과학과 의생명과학전공 (이학박사)
현) 백석대학교 물리치료학과 조교수
전) 고려대학교 의과대학 신경과학연구소 연구교수
전) 고려대학교 의과대학 생리학교실 연구강사
전) 백석대학교, 세명대학교 등 시간강사
고려대학교 대학원 우수논문상
대한생리학회 우수 포스터상
생로병사의 비밀 456회 ‘치유의 숲’
요통의 유발 원인에 따른 새로운 통증 수용체의 분석과 비침습적 적용에 따른 치료효과 연구(한국연구재단, 고려대학교, 연구책임자)
추간판 퇴행에서 니코틴 수용체의 활성화 분석과 니코틴(흡연)이 퇴행성 추간판과 요통에 미치는 영향 규명(한국연구재단, 고려대학교, 연구책임자)
계속적 수동적 움직임 적용 및 고주파 치료가 퇴행성 추간판으로 유발된 만성 요통과 수핵으로 인한 신경염증 모델에 미치는 영향 규명(한국연구재단, 고려대학교, 연구책임자)
추간판성 요통 모델 동물 및 이의 제조방법 (특허청, 제 10-1794203)
추간판 손상 모델 (특허청, 제 10-2009384)
현) 백석대학교 물리치료학과 조교수
전) 고려대학교 의과대학 신경과학연구소 연구교수
전) 고려대학교 의과대학 생리학교실 연구강사
전) 백석대학교, 세명대학교 등 시간강사
고려대학교 대학원 우수논문상
대한생리학회 우수 포스터상
생로병사의 비밀 456회 ‘치유의 숲’
요통의 유발 원인에 따른 새로운 통증 수용체의 분석과 비침습적 적용에 따른 치료효과 연구(한국연구재단, 고려대학교, 연구책임자)
추간판 퇴행에서 니코틴 수용체의 활성화 분석과 니코틴(흡연)이 퇴행성 추간판과 요통에 미치는 영향 규명(한국연구재단, 고려대학교, 연구책임자)
계속적 수동적 움직임 적용 및 고주파 치료가 퇴행성 추간판으로 유발된 만성 요통과 수핵으로 인한 신경염증 모델에 미치는 영향 규명(한국연구재단, 고려대학교, 연구책임자)
추간판성 요통 모델 동물 및 이의 제조방법 (특허청, 제 10-1794203)
추간판 손상 모델 (특허청, 제 10-2009384)
- Reliability of ultrasound Imaging using manual and transducer support in measurement of the transverse abdominis muscle in dynamic posture. 2022. (대한신경치료학회지)
- Development of a novel model of intervertebral disc degeneration by the intradiscal application of monosodium iodoacetate (MIA) in rat. 2021. (The Spine Journal)
- Methylene blue induces an analgesic effect by significantly decreasing neural firing rates and improves pain behaviors in rats. 2021. (Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications)
- Relationship between the postural alignments and spatio-temporal gait parameters in elderly woman. 2020. (대한물리의학회지)
- Pain-relieving effect of 4.4 MHz of pulsed radiofrequency on acute knee arthritis in rats. 2020. (Pain Medicine)
- Disc degeneration induces a mechano-sensitization of disc afferent nerve fibers that associates with low back pain. 2019. (Osteoarthritis and Cartilage)
-The effect of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation on pain, muscle strength, balance, and gait in individuals with dementia: A double blind, pilot randomized controlled trial. 2019. (European Journal of Integrative Medicine)
- Activation of peripheral group III metabotropic glutamate receptors inhibits pain transmission by decreasing neuronal excitability in the CFA-inflamed knee joint. 2019. (Neuroscience Letters)
- Apoptotic changes in a full-lengthened immobilization model of rat soleus muscle. 2019. (MUSCLE & NERVE)
- Effect of foam roller, kinesiotaping and dynamic stretching on gait parameters with induced ankle muscle fatigue. 2018. (Physical Therapy Rehabilitation Science)
- The Interferential current therapy (ICT) effects on muscle activity, muscle fatigue and pain of upper trapezius in persons with myofascial pain syndrome. 2018. (International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics)
- The effect of visual information on gait parameters with induced ankle muscle fatigue. 2017. (Physical Therapy Rehabilitation Science)
- The effect of single trial transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation on balance and gait function in elderly people with dementia: a pilot study. 2017. (Physical Therapy Rehabilitation Science)
- Influence of difficulty variation of the core stabilization exercise on thickness changes of abdominal muscles in healthy subjects: a pilot study. 2016. (대한물리치료학회지)
- The ratio of medial and lateral hamstring muscle thickness does not correlate with the lateral tibial rotation angle in the standing position in healthy young adults. 2016. (Journal of Physical Therapy Science)
- The effects of Chamaecyparis obtusa essential oil on pain-related behavior and expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines in carrageenan-induced arthritis in rats. 2015. (Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry)
- The effects of high-frequency transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation for dental professionals with work-related musculoskeletal disorders: a single-blind randomized placebo-controlled trial. 2015. (Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine : eCAM)
- The contribution of activated peripheral kappa opioid receptors (kORs) in the inflamed knee joint to anti-nociception. 2015. (Brain research)
- Immediate therapeutic effect of interferential current therapy on spasticity, balance, and gait function in chronic stroke patients: a randomized control trial. 2014. (Clinical Rehabilitation)
- A single trial of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation reduces chronic neuropathic pain following median nerve injury in rats. 2014. (The Tohoku journal of experimental medicine)
- Development of a novel model of intervertebral disc degeneration by the intradiscal application of monosodium iodoacetate (MIA) in rat. 2021. (The Spine Journal)
- Methylene blue induces an analgesic effect by significantly decreasing neural firing rates and improves pain behaviors in rats. 2021. (Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications)
- Relationship between the postural alignments and spatio-temporal gait parameters in elderly woman. 2020. (대한물리의학회지)
- Pain-relieving effect of 4.4 MHz of pulsed radiofrequency on acute knee arthritis in rats. 2020. (Pain Medicine)
- Disc degeneration induces a mechano-sensitization of disc afferent nerve fibers that associates with low back pain. 2019. (Osteoarthritis and Cartilage)
-The effect of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation on pain, muscle strength, balance, and gait in individuals with dementia: A double blind, pilot randomized controlled trial. 2019. (European Journal of Integrative Medicine)
- Activation of peripheral group III metabotropic glutamate receptors inhibits pain transmission by decreasing neuronal excitability in the CFA-inflamed knee joint. 2019. (Neuroscience Letters)
- Apoptotic changes in a full-lengthened immobilization model of rat soleus muscle. 2019. (MUSCLE & NERVE)
- Effect of foam roller, kinesiotaping and dynamic stretching on gait parameters with induced ankle muscle fatigue. 2018. (Physical Therapy Rehabilitation Science)
- The Interferential current therapy (ICT) effects on muscle activity, muscle fatigue and pain of upper trapezius in persons with myofascial pain syndrome. 2018. (International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics)
- The effect of visual information on gait parameters with induced ankle muscle fatigue. 2017. (Physical Therapy Rehabilitation Science)
- The effect of single trial transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation on balance and gait function in elderly people with dementia: a pilot study. 2017. (Physical Therapy Rehabilitation Science)
- Influence of difficulty variation of the core stabilization exercise on thickness changes of abdominal muscles in healthy subjects: a pilot study. 2016. (대한물리치료학회지)
- The ratio of medial and lateral hamstring muscle thickness does not correlate with the lateral tibial rotation angle in the standing position in healthy young adults. 2016. (Journal of Physical Therapy Science)
- The effects of Chamaecyparis obtusa essential oil on pain-related behavior and expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines in carrageenan-induced arthritis in rats. 2015. (Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry)
- The effects of high-frequency transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation for dental professionals with work-related musculoskeletal disorders: a single-blind randomized placebo-controlled trial. 2015. (Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine : eCAM)
- The contribution of activated peripheral kappa opioid receptors (kORs) in the inflamed knee joint to anti-nociception. 2015. (Brain research)
- Immediate therapeutic effect of interferential current therapy on spasticity, balance, and gait function in chronic stroke patients: a randomized control trial. 2014. (Clinical Rehabilitation)
- A single trial of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation reduces chronic neuropathic pain following median nerve injury in rats. 2014. (The Tohoku journal of experimental medicine)